I spent my first 30 years dealing with something else, then i met the rest of my life.
I was born in 1978 of the last century, and I had a belated relationship with photography.
Starts as a game, it became a passion in no time, then my work.
In few words, it’s part of me, something that always recurs in every face, shadow or shape I look at.
Like all great stories, the have been ups and downs, but what matters is that i have never lost the thrill of clicking.
I love to travel (and who doesn't?) And I love people.
Basically the "best mix" if you like to tell stories.
Thanks to this, first i graduated at IED of Milano, then I became a photojournalist for the Lapresse agency, until 2017.
Now I deal with private and professional portraits, weddings, and personal reportage, where I talk about my stories, with my photography.
The stories I love the most?
Obviously the ones I tell my daughter.
a little more about your photographer?
I was a photojournalist for LaPresse, from 2013 to 2017 and I followed news, entertainment, events and gossip.
It was a great experience, which taught me what it really means to be a professional photographer
i’m a fuji user.
I switched to the mirrorless system from 2021 mainly for convenience and small size.
But I didn't want to give up excellent quality and performance, so I choosed Fuji, with great satisfaction.
I.e.d of Milan
I graduated from IED (European Institute of Design) in 2008, attending portrait, photojournalism and still life courses.
There I met my classmates, young and talented photographers with whom I shared one of the best moments of my life.